OMG News
Monthly Newsletters – the Best Way to Stay in Touch
The best way to stay in touch with all the work that On Mission Global is doing overseas is to sign up for our monthly newsletter!
Highlights of 2023
What God has done through On Mission Global in 2023 far surpasses our wildest dreams and prayers. We are so thankful to Him and our supporters and prayer partners who were instrumental in making this happen. Our missions efforts in 2023 were focused in the refugee...
Preparing for a trip to the Sudanese Refugee Camps
On Mission Global is sending a team of five people to the Upper Rhino refugee camp in Uganda on January 3rd. Please pray for our trip and stay connected through Facebook to get updates.
Greeted with Songs and Dancing
Upon arriving at each of the five refugee camps we visited, we were greeted with songs, dancing, and the waving of leaves and branches. The congregations were excited by our coming, joyous in praising God, eager to learn during the teaching times, and appreciative in...
Glance Back; Look Forward
THAILAND: 2022 was a great inaugural year for On Mission Global. We chose two worthy ministry partners to come alongside. The first was Mercy International in Thailand. They operate three children’s homes in Thailand, in Phrae, Phetchabun, and Khon Kaen. Though in the...
Update From Omugo Refugee Camp
We are praying about starting a new work in the Omugo Refugee Camp in the Terego district of Uganda. There is an assocation of five churches there that we could work with, under the direction of Pastor Dima, who oversees all of the Baptist churches in the refugee camps.
Close-up: Teaching Business in the Morobi Refugee Camp Village
Arun and I taught a business class in the camps. It was an hour and a half drive over dirt roads to get to the Morobi Refugee Camp Village, in Palorinya. As we got within a few miles of the camps, we began seeing refugees walking along the road. They start early and...
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